After completing Wudhu I realized that I missed out on a Fardh act. Do I have to repeat the entire Wudhu?
A customer returned an item that got damaged while in his / her possession.
Is it necessary to cover one’s head when eating and when entering the toilet?
Is it permissible to recite the Noble Qur'an at sunrise, sunset and Zawaal?
Is it Makruh (disliked) not to cover one’s head when reciting the Qur’an?
What is the Islamic status of visiting the graveyard?
Is it permissible to use hair dyes, and which ones?
I give my child spending every day to buy from the school tuck-shop. Is it correct for my child to transact with an adult at the tuckshop? I heard that only transactions of adults are valid in Islam. Please advise.
We are a group of Muslims thinking of starting an online web shop for Muslim married couples. We would like to sell adult related items (sex toys). Is this permissible?